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The Red Seal Program, officially known as the Inter provincial Standards Red Seal Program, stands as a cornerstone in ensuring standardized skills assessment for tradespeople. Established following the 1952 National Conference on Apprenticeship in Trades and Industries, this program is a collaborative effort between the federal government and provinces/territories, aiming to set and uphold national standards for various trades. Tradespersons who successfully pass the Red Seal examination receive a distinctive endorsement on their provincial/territorial trade certificates, signifying their demonstration of knowledge aligned with the national standard. Administered by the Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship (CCDA), the program not only promotes excellence to employers but also fosters pride among skilled workers and facilitates labor mobility. In addition to the Red Seal endorsement, the program introduced the official recognition of the “RSE” acronym in 2015, providing qualified skilled journey persons a recognizable way to showcase their Red Seal endorsement and support for the program.

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Benefits of red seal certification for immigrants

Obtaining the Red Seal certification can be beneficial to tradesmen who are considering moving to Canada. It can aid in obtaining a work visa or applying for permanent residence, increasing the likelihood of a favorable outcome. The Red Seal lends legitimacy to the tradespersons by validating their expertise and knowledge, making them a more viable immigrant candidate.


Who Administers the Program?

Provinces and territories are responsible for apprenticeship training and trade certification in their respective jurisdictions, including the administration of the Red Seal Program in their jurisdictions (for example, Red Seal examinations). Most provinces and territories use the Red Seal examination as the final certification exam in designated Red Seal trades. The Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship (CCDA) is responsible for the Red Seal Program. All provinces and territories and the federal government participate as members of the CCDA.

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) sponsors a Secretariat to provide strategic and secretariat support to the CCDA and the Red Seal program.


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Steps of the Program


Electrician Construction

TOP Trades

Auto Motor Technician

TOP Trades


TOP Trades

Professional cook

TOP Trades


TOP Trades

Painter and decorator

TOP Trades

⁠Industrial mechanics Engineers

TOP Trades

Heavy duty equipment technician

TOP Trades

Construction craft worker (helper Labour)

TOP Trades

Trade testing in action at centre

Trade testing in Action

all trades

How to apply

Follow the instructions to apply

  1. In the subject line of your email, clearly state your name, and application for Canada Red Seal Program.
  2. Compile your CV + Experience letter + Education/Diploma into a PDF file.
  3. Email your application to